Use Cases

Optimizing Drug Delivery

uc challenge iconGreyChallenges

One method used by Pharmaceutical firms to promote their products is by delivering samples to medical practitioners. The cost involved in this process can be efficiently reduced by modeling the supply chain based on real-time information.

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LogicPlum platform allows analysts to create and implement supply chain models that optimize the use of different resources. These models, based on historical data, can help to combine existing and upcoming orders, assisting the organizations to reduce shipping costs and to organize warehouse stocks.

uc team iconGreyWhy LogicPlum

LogicPlum’s platform allows for the use and consolidation of different complex data sources, effectively creating algorithms that consider a broad and heterogeneous pool of data. As this task can be done in minutes, LogicPlum provides organizations with a tool that can generate accurate and frequently updated supply-chain prediction models.


One method used by Pharmaceutical firms to promote their products is by delivering samples to medical practitioners. The cost involved in this process can be efficiently reduced by modeling the supply chain based on real-time information.


LogicPlum platform allows analysts to create and implement supply chain models that optimize the use of different resources. These models, based on historical data, can help to combine existing and upcoming orders, assisting the organizations to reduce shipping costs and to organize warehouse stocks.

Why LogicPlum?

LogicPlum’s platform allows for the use and consolidation of different complex data sources, effectively creating algorithms that consider a broad and heterogeneous pool of data. As this task can be done in minutes, LogicPlum provides organizations with a tool that can generate accurate and frequently updated supply-chain prediction models.

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