Automate the Creation of AI

Your Enterprise AI Journey Starts Here

LogicPlum powers automation through the entire data science process. Our platform follows all best practices when working to solve your business challenge. More specifically, we streamline, prepping the data, creating new data features, automatic model building, and selection, all with the mindset of getting a model deployed. Once a model is deployed, our platform oversees the model to be sure it remains skillful.

Speed – From Beginning to End

LogicPlum’s automated machine learning helps you innovate rapidly, empowers your employees, and minimizes business risk.

Various Data Types and Diversified Models

LogicPlum works with numerous data types to bring about a more comprehensive AI solution to your business challenge. Our platform works with data like image, numeric, categorical, and text to bring about a more sophisticated AI solution. Additionally, we routinely test many machine learning models for inclusion to LogicPlum to bring you maximum coverage for various enterprise challenges.

Wringing Out All Business Value

Through years of testing, we have discovered even if the proper data transformations are done and the appropriate model is selected for a business challenge, there is still significant value that can be left on the table. Unless proper optimization of the parameters within a model can be achieved. Being able to do this efficiently and without having the model breakdown in production is vitally important.

Understandable Explanations

LogicPlum takes very seriously the benefits of a company that understands what you did and why you did it when building out AI solutions. We don’t believe in one-size-fits-all and have built a series of visualizations that communicate what you want to know in business terms. In the end, we believe this leads to trust, and trust leads to broader adoption company-wide of an AI solution.

Predictions Made for Business

Each model that is built in LogicPlum is immediately made available for deployment. This is significant for the business since it is known that 87% of data science projects never make it into production. It is not enough to launch a model in production and trust that it will do what you expect. LogicPlum oversees the model once deployed and helps keep the model skillful for you to maximize your AI return.

LogicPlum builds and co-manages AI solutions that make sense for your business vision, mission, and financial goals.

We are living carbon neutral by Nul.





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